Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Stationary remade

So I really didn't do much editing to my stationary from my most recent submission. However, I did add a small tweak to the envelopes. I made the folding tab the wine color and placed a wine silhouette in the middle of the fold. Also I placed everything on one board and added a background because it looked extremely plain on just white.

New Version:

Tumblr 3 part AD remake

I was assigned to make a 3 part ad campaign for a business and I chose the blog site tumblr. The thing about this website is that is highly versatile in terms of subject matter so I tried to express that with the original images:

Unfortunately I had a connection issue so I remade it to suit the first image since it recieved the best reviews. I also changed the slogan

Though this was more illustrative, I still felt like it didn't connect well with the slogan, so I tried a cleaner simpler version and this is what I made

Event poster remade

In this project, I was assigned to do an event poster. Since it was Halloween season, I decided to try and do a horror poster advertising the haunted house "13 Stories". My main issue in the end was how it was read. This is the original image

So in order to try and fix the issue, I changed and added some colors. I also untilted the image and played with the bottom fonts. There are two versions to this which are only differentiated by fonts.

Version 1

Version 2

Brochure Remade

Okay, for this project, I had to make a brochure for a show or company. I chose the symphony orchestra Distant Worlds. The orchestra is subjected around the music of a gaming franchise named final fantasy which was at its 13th or 14th series at the time I made it. So incorporated in the brochure characters and images from the actual game while referencing the show. All I had for reference and a source of information was this website Also the brochure is an accordian fold

This is the original brochure:



So I changed the fonts, rearranged the wording, switched some information, and tried to simplify it. This is the remake:



Grid Remade

Okay so I had to make this spread in my typography class in the spring of 2011. I can't remember exactly what the purpose of the project was, but I'm assuming it was to emulate a magazine spread. Using what I learned this year, I redesigned it. I tried to go with a minimalist style to make it look modern yet clean. This is the original

Now I've made multiple designs but I'm not too sure which one to go with. For example, the font choice of going all Helvetica, or the combination of Helvetica and Century book.

All Helvetica (with no design)

Helvetica and Century (with the minimalist design)

Now I made one other design  because I worried the other one was too simple. With this I tried to see if I can push the minimalist design a bit further.