Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Logos narrowed down

So I've narrowed down my logos to 5, but mostly 3.

The first one is my favorite and I was trying to give it a circular border and just happened to come across this beautiful mistake. It sort of forms a lower case D and also a J so I feel it suffices.

The second one I felt it was so clean that only geometric shapes would work best. So I gave it a background that suited its straight laced feature.

Lastly the third was so simple in design, it needed more like a frame. I took inspiration from oriental designs but I got torn between whether I want it to be black or white, so I placed both designs. Maybe when I add color, it will help me choose.

The other two still have possibilities for me but, I've just left them as is for now.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Forever bored?

Take the good with the bad

All round interracial

Epic photography

Memes and cuteness anybody?

I want this as my birthday cake

Do I love Daft Punk?

Steampunk beauty

Disney movie cover fanart

I personally want to remake the cover for the movie The Chronicle.......

Death before Dishonor - The Samurai

Childish meets classy

I've always like photos like these. I seriously want to take a photo like this. Not necessarily from star wars though. But I deeply appreciate photos like these

The rain

Many moons

 I've always found this song to be highly deep and artistic

Extreme photography

I should have them paint my room

Time lapse graffiti by le japanese

It can also be a very awesome

Art and music can be a very hilarious combination

Lovely sadistic art?